Customer Service

  • Shipping & Delivery

    All orders will be delivered via Parcelhub, and you'll receive yours in 2 working days from dispatch. If you order items directly from the PDF catalogues that you'll find inside some brands the goods will be shipped within 10 or 15 working days. We deliver to the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), British Overseas Territories and the rest of the world. We don't deliver to the European Union. Postage cost in UK is £15 on all orders up to £40 and free for any order over £40. You can get more information about the shipping company by clicking here.The timescale provided is estimated only. Although the majority of shipments will arrive prior to or within the estimated dates, delays are occasionally inevitable. In European Union countries with VAT the shippment cost is £20

  • Privacy & Security

    We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We only collect the information we need in pursuance of processing your order. We also won't sell or provide your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. Credit and debit card details are collected by the payment service provider, so we do not store payment information. For further information please read our Privacy Policy.

  • Returns, Replacements & Cancellations

    In the unlikely case the merchandise arrives to you damaged or faulty, you can return it and we will refund or replace it for you. The first thing you need to do is notify us within 48 hours of receiving the package, and then send it back to us. Returns must be sent in the original packaging.
    Also if it becomes faulty within 21 days of purchase you can also return the goods (in the original package) and our team will make sure they weren't misused. After that we will replace your item.
    In order to refund the product our team will first make sure it is actually faulty. We will only refund the order when sent with the original postage receipt.
    If you cancel your order and it has already been shipped, you'll need to return it at your own expense, in the original package and sealed, as soon as you receive it.

  • Ordering

    Orders can be placed sending an e-mail at [email protected], or directly over the Internet. Also, don't hesitate to e-mail us on any doubts you have related to Internet orders you've made, or orders you're intending to make, we'll be more than glad to help you.

  • Payment, Pricing & Promotions

    We are very concerned about your security and we want you to shop with confidence therefore we use Stripe payments so that your sensitive financial details are protected. Payments on this page are 100% secure since they are processed directly by Stripe and we don't see any details nor do we charge your card.

    We reserve the right to reject orders with typographic error.

    There's also available the bank transfer payment, 100% safe, for which you'll need the following details:
    → Bank account holder name: AGEO WHOLESALE UK LIMITED
    → Bank sort-code: 23-14-70
    → Bank account number: 92179967.
    → Bank society name: TransferWise Ltd.
    Your order will be processed as soon as we'll get the notification of your payment.

  • Viewing Orders

    To view your previous orders, you need to log in and click the "My account" tab, which is located in the main menu at the top of the page. There you'll find the Account Dashboard menu at the left side of the page and you need to select the "My orders" option. There you'll be able to view all your previous orders.

  • Updating Account Information

    In order to modify your personal information, you need to log in and click the "My account" tab, which is located in the main menu at the top of the page. There you'll find the Account Dashboard menu at the left side of the page and all you need to do is select the "Account information" option. Now you can update all your personal information.

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