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what is a rapier?

The rapier is a type of dueling sword that gained popularity during the 16th and 17th centuries. It clearly evolved from earlier sword types: the rapier's blade is longer and more pointed compared to previous designs. It also features a basket hilt to protect the hand and finger rings, which enhance its usability. The evolution of swords often corresponds to changes in the type of body armor people wore.

The origin of the rapier is Spanish. Its name is a "derisive" adaptation of the Spanish term "ropera." The Spanish term originally referred to a sword used with clothing, known as a "dress sword" or "espada ropera." This was because it was used as an accessory for attire, primarily for fashion purposes, and as a means of self-defense.

The term "rapier" of Spanish origin can be traced back to the Coplas de la panadera, written by Juan de Mena between approximately 1445 and 1450. Another early mention of a rapier sword can be found in the inventory of objects belonging to Duke Álvaro de Zúñiga in 1468. In France, the rapier sword (known as "la rapière") is first mentioned in documents around 1474. Edwart Oakeshott, in his book "European Weapons and Armour," notes that by the early 16th century, the term had become well-established in France and was later adopted in the United Kingdom.

These types of swords underwent an evolution, with their ornate guards giving way to a simpler flower-shaped guard. In the 17th century, the term "Florete" or "Fencing sword" began to be used for rapier swords with a flower-shaped guard.

The modern Fencing sword is a training weapon that represents the rapier.

The Rapier as a Dueling Sword

During the Middle Ages, swords were quite costly and, as a result, were primarily wielded by the elite and nobility. However, the rapier wasn't solely the weapon of the nobility; it also became popular among the bourgeoisie, a social class that thrived thanks to the increased prosperity in Europe during the Renaissance. The rapier ceased to be just a tool of war. People began engaging in duels with rapiers as a form of entertainment, and it even became a fashionable accessory during ceremonies, parades, and strolls through the city. Furthermore, the rapier was the preferred sword of musketeers.

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